Do you know how time-consuming and inefficient the software tester recruitment process can be? We've been there, sifting through piles of resumes and conducting lengthy technical interviews that didn't always reveal the true capabilities of candidates. That's why we integrated the Mobile IT Certification (MITC) into our recruitment process, and it's been a game-changer.

Like many companies, our recruitment used to rely heavily on resume screening, technical interviews, and test assignments. While each method had its merits, they also came with limitations. Resume screening was time-consuming, technical interviews often focused on theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills, and test assignments could be unreliable and demanding for both candidates and recruiters.

For a while, we observed whether candidates' resumes mentioned obtaining the MITC certificate, and we gave those candidates a chance. An additional note appeared in our announcements: "Optional: having an MITC certificate." We believe that if someone has no experience in testing but has an MITC certificate, they have the skills needed in software testing. We gave these candidates a chance to move on to the next stages much more often. We decided that this was not enough. The market penetration of MITC certification is not very large, so we had to approach the matter in a slightly different way.

MITC is a filter for practical skills

We decided to try something new and introduced MITC as the second stage of our recruitment process. Candidates who passed our initial screening were given access to the exam. And it was a game-changer! Instead of theoretical questions, they faced practical tasks similar to those they would encounter in their daily work. The results were clear and objective. We could immediately see who had real skills and who only possessed theoretical knowledge.

That's because MITC isn't just another theoretical test; it's a simulation of real-world testing tasks. The certification gives us a clear picture of a candidate's actual abilities, allowing us to identify those who struggle with practical tasks before investing more time in them.

Case study. How MITC transformed our recruitment process

Implementing MITC as the second stage of recruitment significantly improved our entire process. Previously, time-consuming analysis of hundreds of resumes took an average of 20 hours, and that was just the beginning of our search for ideal candidates. Subsequent technical interviews with selected individuals consumed another dozen hours (assuming an average of 1.5 hours per interview). Even then, this time didn't always allow us to verify all aspects of the practical skills of the candidates.

Thanks to MITC, we can achieve more in less time. Candidates take the exam, which lasts only an hour. During this time, their practical knowledge, task comprehension, and English language proficiency (often used in IT projects) are verified.

Benefits exceeded our expectations

MITC not only streamlined our recruitment but also brought unexpected benefits. The most significant is undoubtedly the saving of time and resources. We eliminated lengthy and costly technical interviews, saving us 30 to 60 minutes per candidate. In our last recruitment, where we received over 500 resumes, this translated to saving dozens of hours of recruiter work.

Candidates also benefit, as they can take the exam at their convenience, without the stress of a recruiter's presence. Obtaining the MITC certificate validates their skills and increases their chances of employment.

MITC can also be a great alternative for individuals with no testing experience. Such individuals often face difficulties finding their first job because their resumes lack testing-related references. MITC can break this barrier by offering objective proof of their practical skills. Passing the MITC exam not only enriches a candidate's resume but also gives recruiters a clear signal that the person possesses the necessary competencies, even if they haven't had the opportunity to gain them in a commercial environment.

Is MITC right for your company?

Consider whether candidates with MITC have a better chance of being hired. If so, it's worth including it in the optional, desired skills section of your job postings.

Secondly, consider using MITC to verify candidates. Practical certification is a flexible tool that can be tailored to a company's individual needs. It can be used as an initial screening stage or as a second stage after initial resume analysis. Its implementation is not only a simplification of a tedious process but also an investment in the quality of the entire testing team and, ultimately, the quality of the products offered.

If you're looking for a way to streamline tester recruitment, MITC could be the answer. It's a tool that will save you time, reduce costs, and help you hire the best specialists.

Want to learn more about MITC? Visit and contact us. We'll gladly share our experiences and help you implement MITC in your company.

For organizations interested in implementing MITC into their recruitment process, we offer attractive packages and individual pricing depending on the number of exams.
